م.د غازي محمد رمضان السيرة الذاتية الاهتمامات البحثية البحوث المنشورة English Website

م.د غازي محمد رمضان


ghazi.ramadan@alzahraa.edu.iq : الايميل

السيرة الذاتية

  طبيب بشري كلية الطب البشري جامعة دمشق  اختصاص بيولوجي مختبرات طبية 
اختصلداص دقيق مختبرات أمراض الدم  بورد من الهيئة السورية للاختصاصات الطبية  معادلة من وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي العراقية كأعلى شهادة مهنية في الاختصاص .
شهادة اختصاص أمراض الدم من جامعة جول فيرن فرنسا 
شهادة تعميق اختصاص أمراض الدم من جامعة باريس 7
شهادة تعميق اختصاص بيولوجيا طبية من اكاديمية باريس  جامعة باريس 6

الإهتمامات البحثية

 الخلايا الجذعية -الأمراض المناعية -البيولوجيا الطبية -ابحاث النانو -الذكاء الاصطناعي والتشخيص الطبي 

ابحاثي في مستوعب سكوباس 
 رابطي في الريسرشغيت 
رابطي في الغوغل سكولر 

البحوث المنشورة

Helicobacter pylori inducing IL-10, IL-21 for develop celiac disease in Kerbalian patients

 Ghazi Mohamad Ramadan 1*
, Hassan Ali Al-Saadi
, Israa Saeed Abbas 2
1 College of Medical & Helth Technology, Ahl Al Bayt University, IRAQ
2 Department of Clinical Laboratories, College of Applied Medical Sciences, University of Kerbala, IRAQ
*Corresponding author: ghazi.ramadan@abu.edu.iq
Autoimmune disorder that involves an innate and adaptive immune response that occurs between
people genetically qualified who are exposed to foods containing gluten and other environmental
factors is celiac disease, Helicobacter pylori is an evolution of IL-10 and IL-21. for Celiac Disease
(CD). Fifty patients with CD were diagnosed compared with 50 healthy persons, during the period
from 3 January to 29 December 2019, The A and G immunoglobulines were detected, as well as the
tissue glutaminase type A and G, immunoglobulins by ELISA technique. 50 tissue biopsies were
taken from the same patients from the small intestine, and the results were interpreted with reference
to Marsh’s interpretation and it was accomplished at the Hussein Teaching Hospital / Kerbala. The
levels of IL-10 and IL-21 were increased at age group 41-68 ((15)43.91±7.06, (15)186.51±186.71)
respectively. Helicobacter pylori appeared in 14 patients (28%)from 50 patients, crypt hyperplasia
and total villous atrophy features of patients with H.pylori were (4(28%) Silent grade of CD was
(24(48%)).Prognosis of correlation between H. pylori and CD was belong to this bacteria causes
histological damage of endothelium intestine, and both IL-10 and IL-21 produced by immune cells
increasing villous atrophy releasing mediators and autoantibodies by lymphocytes that triggering
celiac disease as autoimmune gastritis. This study requires further investigations to clarify this puzzle.
Keywords: helicobacter pylori, celiac disease, IL-10, IL-21, anti-gliadin G, anti-tissue
Ramadan GHM, Ali Al-Saadi H, Abbas IS (2020) Helicobacter pylori inducing IL-10, IL-21 for
develop celiac disease in Kerbalian patients. Eurasia J Biosci 14: 5777-5783.
© 2020 Ramadan et al.
This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License

Brush Up Your Teeth to Brush Up Your Heart

 Hayder Abdul-Amir Makki Al-Hindy, Ghazi Mohamad Ramadan, Mohammed Ihsan Chabuk, Amal Talib Al Sa’ady, Safa Jihad, Suhad Hafidh‏
vascular diseases 2, 24‏
Several pieces of the research described a cross-talk between oral hygiene and CVDs. Oral hygiene was linked with CVDs, and the relations between the two issues are signified by oral bacterial colonies and their by-products released into the bloodstream, initiating endothelial dysfunction in addition to presenting proatherogenic influences, inflammatory as well as immune responses. These mechanisms elucidate the described relations of PD with strok, coronary artery diseases, and peripheral vascular diseases. Dental caries and PD were also linked with diabetes mellitus (DM) and dyslipidemia. Several experimental trials did not affirm the relationship between oral hygiene and CVDs. Dental loss, the most significant equal of PD, has been also related to CVD. Carious teeth were also described as a risk factor for arteriosclerosis independently, where as dental restorations were associated with the arteriosclerotic burden inversely. Improving cognizance of perfect dental health 

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