Mehdi Sadiq Abbas AL-Tabatabaee Curriculum Vitae Research Interests Published researchs الموقع الالكتروني

Curriculum Vitae

Mehdi Sadiq Abbas AL-Tabatabaee

Precise specialization : Theory of modules

[email protected]


Here  A brief summary  of my scientific  work, would be enough to highlight on Curriculum Vitae.

  In 1974;  I  finished Bachelor degree requirements  at   Mathematical department , I have achieved   a first   level   at the  department. Then I got a Master's degree in maths / Faculty of  science / University of Baghdad.
After that, I have engaged   in a series of administrative and scientific work in the field of higher education and scientific research.
 In 1990-1991,  focused   my attention  toward completing  the doctor of philosophy degree in mathematics . 
 this was so helpful  to  determine the inspirations I use to generate ideas for  scientific research in field ,  Abstract Algebra / Ring Theory, and the Module Theory .
Currently , I am working in the field of theoretical influences, and  I have a multitude of outstanding scientific research in this field .


•	Doctor of  Philosophy , Mathematics in Abstract Algebra ;  Faculty of Science \  Baghdad University, Iraq ;1991.
•	Master of Science, Mathematics, Faculty of Science , Baghdad University, Iraq ;1974.
•	Bachelor of Science, Mathematics, Faculty of Science,  Al- Mustansiriyah University, Baghdad, Iraq ;1971.


The recipient of numerous awards and honors certificates and certificates of appreciation from the scientific conferences in many colleges, and along  many years.


•	Since 1974, I worked as  a lecturer in the Department of Mathematics / Faculty of Science / Mustansiriya University till now.
•	Coordinator Department  in Dept. of  Mathematics / Faculty of Science / Mustansiriya University,  for the period (1982-1987), (1993-1995).
•	Head of  Department of Mathematics / Faculty of Science / Mustansiriya University,  for the period (2006-2008).
•	Graduate Administrator in the Department of Mathematics / Faculty of Science /  Al- Mustansiriya University, for the period (1999- 2000), (2008  till now).
•	Head of the Department of Mathematics / Faculty of Education / University of Sanaa / Mahaweet.
•	Lecturer  at the  Faculty of Administration and Economics / University of Benghazi / Libya.


1- Calculus
2- Finite Mathematics.
3- Mathematics Foundation.
4- Linear Algebra.
5- Group Theory.
6- Rings Theory.
7- Introduction to the Theory of Modules.
8-Mathematical Analysis.
9- Measure Theory.
10- Integral Theory.
11- Complex Analysis.
12- Linear Programming .
13- Ordinary Differential Equations.

1- Module Theory.
2- Commutative Algebra.
3- Ring Theory.
4- Non- commutative  rings.
5- Injective Modules and Related Concepts.
6- Some Generalizations of Injective Modules.
7- Injective and Projective Modules.
8-Continuous and Quasi- Continuous Modules.
9- Modules and Structures of Rings.
10-Topics in Module Theory.
11- Topics in Semi-group Theory.
12- Theory of Acts on Semi-group.


•	I have  participated in many discussions to graduate students as a  member, president of the various Iraqi universities.
•	Chairman of the Scientific promotions in the Faculty of Science / Mustansiriyah University.
•	A Member of  Committee of Central scientific Promotion at Mustansiriyah University.
•	Chairman of the central objections / Mustansiriyah University.
•	A member of the Development of Mathematics curricula in Iraqi universities.


•	(85) research paper have been  published in various Journals ; local ,  Arabic, and  universal.
•	Authored Books:
1 -  Translated a book into Arabic in  the field of  "linear algebra"  for the  author A.Wayne Roberts,                     published in The Benjamin Publishing.   
2 - Currently under implementation book titled "course in abstract algebra."
3 - Currently under implementation "Glossary of abstract algebra."
•	Lectures: lecture on "Mystery Mndj ideas" within the cultural season of the Faculty of Science.


•	Participating  in research  papers  within the field of specialization  in  several conferences;  local and Arab.
•	Attend Arab Arabization conference in Tripoli / Libya in 1977.
•	Participate scientific research at the Third Conference of the Jordanian Society for Mathematics in 1996.


Published research papers

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Published research papers on Scopus for Al-Zharaa University

Title: Gamma semigroup whose gamma acts are quasi–injective

Source Title: Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences and Cryptography


In this paper, we interpose the notion tools, Noetherian gamma acts, and γ – idempotent elements, to describe gamma semigroups in which all gamma acts are quasi – injective. We get the following equivalent (i) a gamma semigroup S is Noetherian and each finite direct sum of quasi – injective SΓ-act is quasi – injective (ii) direct sum of quasi – injective SΓ-act is quasi – injective. Also we prove that an γ – monoid is ΓRQI if and only if all right Γ-ideal generated by γ – idempotent element. © TARU PUBLICATIONS.

Publisher: Taru Publications